
HTTP response header

Header usage statistics

Feature-Policy-Report-Only response header information and usage statistics.
Websites using header Feature-Policy-Report-Only232
Percentage of websites that use Feature-Policy-Report-Only header<0.1%
Total discovered header values18
Header uses directivesNo
Header values are unique or randomNo
Most popular in the country GB

Feature-Policy-Report-Only Directives

Feature-Policy-Report-Only directives value information and usage statistics
DirectiveShareWebsites countUnique Values

Feature-Policy-Report-Only header usage distribution by website rank

Geographical Distribution

Header usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Feature-Policy-Report-Only

List of websites that use Feature-Policy-Report-Only header
www.roche.com United States20,667
www.gene.com United States28,439
www.airnewzealand.com United States70,146
hutton.ac.uk GB128,045
www.hutton.ac.uk GB128,045
lifescience.roche.com United States350,952
See full domain list

Common header values

List of top common Feature-Policy-Report-Only header values
Header valueValue prevalence
geolocation 'none'; camera 'none'; fullscreen *; payment 'self'35.34%
geolocation 'none'; midi 'none'; camera 'none'; usb 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; accelerometer 'none'; vr 'none'; speaker 'none'; ambient-light-sensor 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; microphone 'none'22.41%
accelerometer 'none'; autoplay *; camera 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; midi 'none'; payment 'none'; usb 'none';21.12%
accelerometer 'none'; ambient-light-sensor 'none'; autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'; document-write 'none'; encrypted-media 'none'; fullscreen 'self'; geolocation 'self'; gyroscope 'none'; layout-animations 'none'; lazyload 'self'; legacy-image-formats 'non7.76%
geolocation 'none'; camera 'none'; microphone 'none'; fullscreen *; payment 'none'2.16%
microphone none;camera none;geolocation none;2.16%
accelerometer 'none'; autoplay 'self'; camera 'none'; document-domain 'self'; encrypted-media 'self'; geolocation 'none'; fullscreen 'self'; gyroscope 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; midi 'self'; payment 'none'; picture-in-picture 'none'; 1.29%
geolocation 'none'; camera 'none'; fullscreen *; payment 'self'; accelerometer *; gyroscope *; magnetometer *;1.29%
microphone 'none'1.29%
accelerometer 'none'; ambient-light-sensor 'none'; autoplay 'none'; display-capture 'none'; document-domain 'none'; encrypted-media 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; midi 'none'; overs0.86%
fullscreen *; autoplay *; picture-in-picture *;0.86%
geolocation 'self'; camera 'self'; fullscreen *; payment 'self'; accelerometer 'self'; gyroscope 'self'; magnetometer 'self';0.86%
accelerometer 'none'; autoplay *; camera 'none'; displayCapture 'none'; documentDomain 'none'; documentWrite 'none'; encryptedMedia 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; midi 'none'; payme0.43%
camera 'none'; microphone 'none'0.43%
fullscreen 'none'; autoplay 'none'; geolocation 'none'; camera 'none'; picture-in-picture 'none'; microphone 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; sync-xhr 'none'; accelerometer 'none'; midi 'none'; usb 'none';0.43%
microphone 'none'; geolocation 'none'; report-uri /csp-violation-report-endpoint/0.43%
microphone none;camera none;0.43%