
HTTP response header

Header usage statistics

X-Dotclear-Static-Cache response header information and usage statistics.
Websites using header X-Dotclear-Static-Cache26
Percentage of websites that use X-Dotclear-Static-Cache header<0.1%
Total discovered header values18
Header uses directivesNo
Header values are unique or randomNo
Most popular in the country France

X-Dotclear-Static-Cache Directives

X-Dotclear-Static-Cache directives value information and usage statistics
DirectiveShareWebsites countUnique Values

Connected technologies

Technologies that utilize the header
Dotclear, category Content Management System, total 1,887 websites

X-Dotclear-Static-Cache header usage distribution by website rank

Geographical Distribution

Header usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing X-Dotclear-Static-Cache

List of websites that use X-Dotclear-Static-Cache header
open-time.net Germany192,896
blog.ac-versailles.fr France295,356
www.fevrierdorian.com France361,598
maitre-eolas.fr France398,548
www.maitre-eolas.fr France398,548
www.sentier-nature.com France2,112,600
See full domain list

Common header values

List of top common X-Dotclear-Static-Cache header values
Header valueValue prevalence
true; mtime: 151440720211.54%
true; mtime: 168928566711.54%
true; mtime: 16765967077.69%
true; mtime: 16925642267.69%
true; mtime: 17050512747.69%
true; mtime: 17062043667.69%
true; mtime: 15100829713.85%
true; mtime: 15104961123.85%
true; mtime: 16317992433.85%
true; mtime: 16795975523.85%
true; mtime: 16951524763.85%
true; mtime: 17021322133.85%
true; mtime: 17042392853.85%
true; mtime: 17072380553.85%
true; mtime: 17076044543.85%
true; mtime: 17108612543.85%
true; mtime: 17118751833.85%
true; mtime: 17122314863.85%