
HTTP response header

Header usage statistics

x-perf-1 response header information and usage statistics.
Websites using header x-perf-1247
Percentage of websites that use x-perf-1 header<0.1%
Total discovered header values247
Header uses directivesNo
Header values are unique or randomYes
Most popular in the country GB

x-perf-1 Directives

x-perf-1 directives value information and usage statistics
DirectiveShareWebsites countUnique Values

x-perf-1 header usage distribution by website rank

Geographical Distribution

Header usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing x-perf-1

List of websites that use x-perf-1 header
See full domain list

Common header values

List of top common x-perf-1 header values
Header valueValue prevalence
D=1001832 t=17109102726463010.40%
D=1002068 t=17110352850592310.40%
D=1002529 t=17111175623066250.40%
D=1011491 t=17100247365393970.40%
D=1038102 t=17105991373448960.40%
D=1059079 t=17107327513774530.40%
D=1066093 t=17104140737486130.40%
D=1083840 t=17105652897745260.40%
D=1098054 t=17103160134733610.40%
D=1121076 t=17079785354134020.40%
D=1156358 t=17103995942376480.40%
D=1201598 t=17102311780421140.40%
D=1339332 t=17121919521842270.40%
D=1491 t=17110100416941610.40%
D=1536074 t=17099372236422160.40%
D=1565426 t=17110516045726720.40%
D=1627543 t=17085163043245300.40%
D=1676075 t=17086310037660760.40%
D=1742 t=17110869973795260.40%
D=1761 t=17076141739404990.40%