
HTTP response header

Header usage statistics

x-ttl-rnd response header information and usage statistics.
Websites using header x-ttl-rnd1
Percentage of websites that use x-ttl-rnd header<0.1%
Total discovered header values1
Header uses directivesNo
Header values are unique or randomYes
Most popular in the country United States

x-ttl-rnd Directives

x-ttl-rnd directives value information and usage statistics
DirectiveShareWebsites countUnique Values

x-ttl-rnd header usage distribution by website rank

Geographical Distribution

Header usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing x-ttl-rnd

List of websites that use x-ttl-rnd header
www.yourtango.com United States39,832
See full domain list

Common header values

List of top common x-ttl-rnd header values
Header valueValue prevalence