Tag UA-00000000-1

Tag ID - UA-00000000-1

We have discovered  828 live websites that are using tag ID UA-00000000-1.

UA-00000000-1 usage statistics

Websites using tag Id UA-00000000-1828 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Websites using UA-00000000-1 hosted in United States28.50%

Geographical Distribution

Tag UA-00000000-1 usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites using tag UA-00000000-1

Top websites that are are using UA-00000000-1
prawakonsumenta.uokik.gov.pl Poland96,173
titansitescanner.com Netherlands148,585
frequencia.com.br Brazil414,398
2gdpr.com Netherlands791,567
www.reach-u.com Estonia869,997
caple.letras.ulisboa.pt Portugal948,692
mca-chiropractic.org GB998,970
www.clickwinclick.de Germany999,248
optnet.be Belgium1,208,876
raec.su Russia1,262,339
See full domain list


United States236 websites

Brazil129 websites
Germany99 websites
GB47 websites
Italy44 websites
Russia26 websites
France25 websites
Netherlands19 websites
Denmark18 websites
Czech Republic16 websites


.com324 websites
.com.br116 websites
.de78 websites
.it29 websites
.co.uk24 websites
.ru22 websites
.dk18 websites
.net17 websites
.nl16 websites
.org15 websites