Tag UA-3214811-18

Tag ID - UA-3214811-18

We have discovered  47 live websites that are using tag ID UA-3214811-18.

UA-3214811-18 usage statistics

Websites using tag Id UA-3214811-1847 websites
Most popular in the country Turkey
Websites using UA-3214811-18 hosted in Turkey17.02%

Geographical Distribution

Tag UA-3214811-18 usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites using tag UA-3214811-18

Top websites that are are using UA-3214811-18
ku.ac.ke Kenya353,424
www.ku.ac.ke Kenya353,424
padron.gal Spain1,738,464
ndejjeuniversity.ac.ug Uganda2,558,589
ancb.bj France4,327,032
obs-spelle.de Germany7,430,889
farabi.ibu.edu.tr Turkey11,318,935
sksdb.ibu.edu.tr Turkey11,580,833
bap.ibu.edu.tr Turkey13,199,632
pbb-akademie.de Germany14,779,818
See full domain list


United States2 websites

Turkey8 websites
Germany7 websites
Kenya5 websites
France3 websites
Nigeria3 websites
Chile2 websites
Russia2 websites
Spain1 websites
Uganda1 websites


.edu.tr7 websites
.com6 websites
.de4 websites
.org3 websites
.ke2 websites
.ru2 websites
.co.ke2 websites
.cl2 websites
.edu.ng2 websites
.gal1 websites