Tag UA-42055132-1

Tag ID - UA-42055132-1

We have discovered  36 live websites that are using tag ID UA-42055132-1.

UA-42055132-1 usage statistics

Websites using tag Id UA-42055132-136 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Websites using UA-42055132-1 hosted in United States47.22%

Geographical Distribution

Tag UA-42055132-1 usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites using tag UA-42055132-1

Top websites that are are using UA-42055132-1
www.shakespearelives.org United States585,840
specialprojects.ajc.com United States1,181,179
stories.huffingtonpost.com.au Australia1,293,072
kgmimaging.com United States4,710,829
schuhe.publiceye.ch Switzerland8,419,805
eagleford.publicintegrity.org United States10,385,296
shoes.publiceye.ch Switzerland12,279,148
chaussures.publiceye.ch Switzerland12,578,388
gunvorincongo.publiceye.ch Switzerland16,156,869
lesvoisins.shorthand.com United States16,887,645
See full domain list


United States17 websites

Switzerland10 websites
Australia3 websites
GB3 websites
Brunei1 websites
Denmark1 websites
South Africa1 websites


.com14 websites
.ch10 websites
.org4 websites
.com.au2 websites
.co.uk2 websites
.gov.bn1 websites
.edu.au1 websites
.africa1 websites
.co.za1 websites