
Category - Widgets

AccuWeather has local and international weather forecasts featuring up to the minute weather reports

We have discovered  8,235 live websites   that are using AccuWeather.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using AccuWeather8,235 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Widgets#225
Market penetration in Widgets<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in AccuWeather usage.
Websites that added AccuWeather 416
Websites that dropped AccuWeather 454

Available Reports

Technology Information

AccuWeather usage by Country

United States5,305 websites

Germany362 websites
Romania210 websites
France172 websites
GB149 websites
Canada142 websites
Greece126 websites
Croatia98 websites
India90 websites

AccuWeather usage by TLD

.com4,764 websites
.org960 websites
.net410 websites
.ro206 websites
.gr152 websites
.co.uk95 websites
.co.za71 websites
.eu69 websites
.info63 websites
.ca60 websites

Websites utilizing AccuWeather

Top websites that use AccuWeather
DomainCountryRankContacts United States1,928 United States3,484 United States3,774 United States5,011 United States5,607 United States6,582
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Sitelinks search box: Total 8,285,437 domains found using Sitelinks search box
reCAPTCHA: Total 5,558,613 domains found using reCAPTCHA
Contact Form 7: Total 4,755,715 domains found using Contact Form 7
PhotoSwipe: Total 1,374,949 domains found using PhotoSwipe
Jetpack: Total 1,256,685 domains found using Jetpack
Baidu Share: Total 936,044 domains found using Baidu Share
Microdata for Google Shopping: Total 866,808 domains found using Microdata for Google Shopping
WPForms: Total 840,978 domains found using WPForms
Facebook Like Button: Total 721,791 domains found using Facebook Like Button
Gravity Forms: Total 701,773 domains found using Gravity Forms


AccuWeather is Widgets.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including AccuWeather. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing AccuWeather through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 8,235 live websites that currently use AccuWeather.
The primary competing technologies to AccuWeather are Sitelinks search box, reCAPTCHA, Contact Form 7, and PhotoSwipe.