
Category - jQuery Plugins

Pretty simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into hovering 'Growl-like' notifications.

We have discovered  2,366 live websites   that are using bootstrap-growl.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using bootstrap-growl2,366 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in jQuery Plugins#362
Market penetration in jQuery Plugins<0.1%
Most popular version1

Technology adoption

Recent changes in bootstrap-growl usage.
Websites that added bootstrap-growl 159
Websites that dropped bootstrap-growl 2,620
Websites that changed version of bootstrap-growl  3

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • bootstrap growl

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 1.xx (3 subversions, 127 domains)

bootstrap-growl usage by Country

United States1,142 websites

Germany197 websites
France112 websites
Russia75 websites
GB61 websites
Brazil43 websites
Australia43 websites
Netherlands41 websites
Italy38 websites
Poland32 websites

bootstrap-growl usage by TLD

.com940 websites
.org193 websites
.de84 websites
.ru70 websites
.net63 websites
.com.au60 websites
.org.au52 websites
.co.uk44 websites
.nl42 websites
.it37 websites

bootstrap-growl Versions

sorted by popularity
1108 websites
1.0.616 websites
1.13 websites

See all bootstrap-growl versions ...

Websites utilizing bootstrap-growl

Top websites that use bootstrap-growl
DomainCountryRankContacts United States47,766 United States56,044 United States62,826 United States96,293 United States113,193 United States117,016
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

imagesLoaded: Total 3,279,807 domains found using imagesLoaded
jQuery Waypoints: Total 2,434,837 domains found using jQuery Waypoints
jquery-easing: Total 1,973,757 domains found using jquery-easing
FlexSlider: Total 1,956,204 domains found using FlexSlider
Magnific Popup: Total 1,893,919 domains found using Magnific Popup
fancyBox: Total 1,862,617 domains found using fancyBox
jQuery NoConflict: Total 1,689,232 domains found using jQuery NoConflict
fitvids: Total 1,453,554 domains found using fitvids
jQuery Validation Plugin: Total 1,381,870 domains found using jQuery Validation Plugin
jQuery hoverIntent: Total 1,157,375 domains found using jQuery hoverIntent


bootstrap-growl is jQuery Plugins.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including bootstrap-growl. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing bootstrap-growl through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 2,366 live websites that currently use bootstrap-growl.
The primary competing technologies to bootstrap-growl are imagesLoaded, jQuery Waypoints, jquery-easing, and FlexSlider.