
Category - Miscellaneous

Social Buttons for Bootstrap

We have discovered  27,502 live websites   that are using bootstrap-social.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using bootstrap-social27,502 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Miscellaneous#36
Market penetration in Miscellaneous<0.1%
Most popular version5.1.1

Technology adoption

Recent changes in bootstrap-social usage.
Websites that added bootstrap-social 697
Websites that dropped bootstrap-social 876
Websites that changed version of bootstrap-social  105

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • bootstrap social

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 5.xx (3 subversions, 767 domains)
  • 4.xx (13 subversions, 367 domains)
  • 3.xx (4 subversions, 13 domains)
  • 2.xx (3 subversions, 9 domains)
  • 1.xx (5 subversions, 5 domains)
  • 0.xx (2 subversions, 4 domains)

bootstrap-social usage by Country

United States8,491 websites

Hungary5,192 websites
Russia3,119 websites
Germany1,479 websites
France1,239 websites
Italy793 websites
GB465 websites
Brazil459 websites
Spain427 websites
Turkey319 websites

bootstrap-social usage by TLD

.com8,642 websites
.hu5,168 websites
.ru2,216 websites
.org1,073 websites
.de690 websites
.net676 websites
.it658 websites
.com.br656 websites
.nl399 websites
.fr338 websites

bootstrap-social Versions

sorted by popularity
5.1.1644 websites
4.3174 websites
5122 websites
4.1293 websites
4.10.132 websites
4.930 websites
4.2.119 websites
4.9.111 websites
3.3.55 websites
3.3.74 websites

See all bootstrap-social versions ...

Websites utilizing bootstrap-social

Top websites that use bootstrap-social
DomainCountryRankContacts United States9,836 France12,406 Germany12,588 United States13,823 United States15,577 United States19,315
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Open Graph: Total 21,141,886 domains found using Open Graph
RSS: Total 16,090,228 domains found using RSS
RSD: Total 12,448,579 domains found using RSD
HTTP/3: Total 11,879,276 domains found using HTTP/3
pingback: Total 6,852,083 domains found using pingback
HTTP/2: Total 5,776,293 domains found using HTTP/2
Cart Functionality: Total 5,135,637 domains found using Cart Functionality
animate.css: Total 3,863,387 domains found using animate.css
Gravatar: Total 3,763,367 domains found using Gravatar
webpack: Total 2,557,944 domains found using webpack


bootstrap-social is Miscellaneous.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including bootstrap-social. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing bootstrap-social through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 27,502 live websites that currently use bootstrap-social.
The primary competing technologies to bootstrap-social are Open Graph, RSS, RSD, and HTTP/3.