
Category - jQuery Plugins

The best jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Designed to use with Bootstrap 3

We have discovered  14,577 live websites   that are using BootstrapValidator.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using BootstrapValidator14,577 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in jQuery Plugins#193
Market penetration in jQuery Plugins<0.1%
Most popular version0.4.5

Technology adoption

Recent changes in BootstrapValidator usage.
Websites that added BootstrapValidator 610
Websites that dropped BootstrapValidator 2,185
Websites that changed version of BootstrapValidator  189

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • bootstrap validator
  • jquery.bootstrapvalidator
  • jquery bootstrapvalidator

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 0.xx (9 subversions, 7,807 domains)

bootstrap-validator usage by Country

United States7,239 websites

GB1,152 websites
Germany619 websites
France513 websites
China426 websites
Italy398 websites
Turkey383 websites
Russia272 websites
Japan264 websites
Portugal242 websites

bootstrap-validator usage by TLD

.com6,036 websites
.co.uk3,236 websites
.it437 websites
.net301 websites
.de264 websites
.org253 websites
.ru235 websites
.pt224 websites
.cz162 websites
.pl159 websites

BootstrapValidator Versions

sorted by popularity
0.4.53,723 websites
0.5.32,876 websites
0.5.2616 websites
0.5.1308 websites
0.5228 websites
0.5.432 websites
0.4.320 websites
0.4.43 websites
0.41 websites

See all BootstrapValidator versions ...

Websites utilizing BootstrapValidator

Top websites that use BootstrapValidator
DomainCountryRankContacts Netherlands14,186 Italy15,678 France26,840 United States29,256 United States37,564 United States38,913
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

jQuery Waypoints: Total 3,652,200 domains found using jQuery Waypoints
imagesLoaded: Total 3,464,700 domains found using imagesLoaded
jquery-easing: Total 2,166,832 domains found using jquery-easing
FlexSlider: Total 2,143,763 domains found using FlexSlider
Magnific Popup: Total 2,025,326 domains found using Magnific Popup
fancyBox: Total 1,970,981 domains found using fancyBox
jQuery NoConflict: Total 1,851,193 domains found using jQuery NoConflict
fitvids: Total 1,561,871 domains found using fitvids
jQuery Validation Plugin: Total 1,486,130 domains found using jQuery Validation Plugin
jQuery hoverIntent: Total 1,270,062 domains found using jQuery hoverIntent


BootstrapValidator is jQuery Plugins.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including BootstrapValidator. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing BootstrapValidator through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 14,577 live websites that currently use BootstrapValidator.
The primary competing technologies to BootstrapValidator are jQuery Waypoints, imagesLoaded, jquery-easing, and FlexSlider.