Category - Programming Languages

ColdFusion Markup language (CFML) can contain code to dynamically generate a web page by accessing a database, generating Flash forms and creating reports as needed.

We have discovered  96,756 live websites   that are using CFML.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using CFML96,756 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Programming Languages#9
Market penetration in Programming Languages0.37%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in CFML usage.
Websites that added CFML 1,421
Websites that dropped CFML 2,118

Available Reports

Technology Information

CFML usage by Country

United States66,536 websites

GB5,241 websites
France3,960 websites
Switzerland3,311 websites
Germany3,267 websites
Canada2,775 websites
Italy2,455 websites
Netherlands2,159 websites
Japan1,154 websites
Australia916 websites

CFML usage by TLD

.com58,498 websites
.org10,385 websites
.net3,533 websites
.co.uk3,286 websites
.ch2,797 websites
.it2,240 websites
.de2,130 websites
.ca2,021 websites
.com.au1,190 websites
.nl922 websites

Websites utilizing CFML

Top websites that use CFML
DomainCountryRankContacts United States14 United States1,685 United States2,439 Germany2,821 United States3,026 United States3,650
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

PHP: Total 23,530,981 domains found using PHP
Node.js: Total 647,811 domains found using Node.js
Java: Total 626,500 domains found using Java
Ruby: Total 586,759 domains found using Ruby
Adobe Flash: Total 364,779 domains found using Adobe Flash
Python: Total 343,040 domains found using Python
Erlang: Total 237,533 domains found using Erlang
TypeScript: Total 141,614 domains found using TypeScript
CSharp: Total 95,279 domains found using CSharp
Perl: Total 61,653 domains found using Perl


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including CFML. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing CFML through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 96,756 live websites that currently use CFML.
The primary competing technologies to CFML are PHP, Node.js, Java, and Ruby.