
Category - CMS

Contentful is a content management system.

We have discovered  17,287 live websites   that are using Contentful.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Contentful17,287 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in CMS#65
Market share in CMS<0.1%
Most popular version5.0.1

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Contentful usage.
Websites that added Contentful 1,347
Websites that dropped Contentful 744
Websites that changed version of Contentful  6

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 10.xx (4 subversions, 7 domains)
  • 9.xx (2 subversions, 4 domains)
  • 7.xx (5 subversions, 13 domains)
  • 5.xx (3 subversions, 16 domains)
  • 4.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)
  • 1.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)

Contentful usage by Country

United States14,564 websites

Netherlands622 websites
Germany441 websites
GB197 websites
France194 websites
Finland88 websites
Russia84 websites
Canada78 websites
Norway69 websites
Japan68 websites

Contentful usage by TLD

.com9,016 websites
.org735 websites
.co.uk647 websites
.de576 websites
.ca394 websites
.net379 websites
.nl340 websites
.se301 websites
.com.au263 websites
.io251 websites

Contentful Versions

sorted by popularity
5.0.114 websites
7.0.59 websites
10.8.53 websites
9.0.13 websites
10.12 websites
1.0.11 websites
4.11 websites
5.0.21 websites
5.0.31 websites
10.13.11 websites

See all Contentful versions ...

Websites utilizing Contentful

Top websites that use Contentful
DomainCountryRankContacts United States21 United States52 United States117 United States185 United States344 United States502
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

WordPress: Total 14,949,460 domains found using WordPress
Wix: Total 2,103,569 domains found using Wix
Squarespace: Total 1,318,606 domains found using Squarespace
Joomla: Total 910,540 domains found using Joomla
GoDaddy Website Builder: Total 419,394 domains found using GoDaddy Website Builder
Duda: Total 383,064 domains found using Duda
Weebly: Total 362,559 domains found using Weebly
Tumblr: Total 339,960 domains found using Tumblr
Optimizely: Total 332,835 domains found using Optimizely
Drupal: Total 332,365 domains found using Drupal


Contentful is CMS.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Contentful. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Contentful through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 17,287 live websites that currently use Contentful.
Contentful has <0.1% market share in CMS.
The primary competing technologies to Contentful are WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and Joomla.