
Category - Miscellaneous

We have discovered  11,554 live websites   that are using Cypress.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Cypress11,554 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Miscellaneous#55
Market penetration in Miscellaneous<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Cypress usage.
Websites that added Cypress 641
Websites that dropped Cypress 292

Available Reports

Technology Information

Cypress usage by Country

United States11,020 websites

Sweden101 websites
Israel72 websites
Netherlands48 websites
Germany41 websites
Norway38 websites
GB31 websites
Denmark31 websites
France23 websites
Finland14 websites

Cypress usage by TLD

.com6,823 websites
.org1,662 websites
.net572 websites
.us344 websites
.cz258 websites
.se209 websites
.nl165 websites
.no149 websites
.co.uk99 websites
.pl91 websites

Websites utilizing Cypress

Top websites that use Cypress
DomainCountryRankContacts United States52 United States517 Germany609 United States1,077 United States1,211 United States1,283
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Open Graph: Total 20,159,147 domains found using Open Graph
RSS: Total 15,050,502 domains found using RSS
HTTP/3: Total 12,504,591 domains found using HTTP/3
RSD: Total 11,597,717 domains found using RSD
pingback: Total 6,302,385 domains found using pingback
HTTP/2: Total 5,385,052 domains found using HTTP/2
Cart Functionality: Total 4,719,963 domains found using Cart Functionality
Gravatar: Total 3,590,078 domains found using Gravatar
animate.css: Total 3,559,236 domains found using animate.css
webpack: Total 2,512,372 domains found using webpack


Cypress is Miscellaneous.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Cypress. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Cypress through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 11,554 live websites that currently use Cypress.
The primary competing technologies to Cypress are Open Graph, RSS, HTTP/3, and RSD.