
Category - Email Security

DuoCircle provides phishing protection including spam filtering, outbound SMTP with DKIM, backup MX services, and advanced threat protection

We have discovered  5,580 live websites   that are using DuoCircle.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using DuoCircle5,580 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Email Security#20
Market share in Email Security<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in DuoCircle usage.
Websites that added DuoCircle 244
Websites that dropped DuoCircle 123

Available Reports

Technology Information

DuoCircle usage by Country

United States3,063 websites

Germany378 websites
France320 websites
Spain296 websites
GB278 websites
Canada185 websites
Netherlands109 websites
Australia97 websites
Singapore83 websites
South Africa72 websites

DuoCircle usage by TLD

.com2,868 websites
.ca403 websites
.org339 websites
.co.uk303 websites
.net195 websites
.es164 websites
.com.au128 websites
.de97 websites
.nl82 websites
.ch73 websites

Websites utilizing DuoCircle

Top websites that use DuoCircle
financialpost.com United States7,622
inmobi.com United States7,772
europapress.es GB8,316
insiderealestate.com United States12,401
cadenaser.com Netherlands14,305
casadellibro.com GB16,878
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

SPF1: Total 31,169,159 domains found using SPF1
MailChannels: Total 633,504 domains found using MailChannels
Proofpoint Essentials: Total 301,509 domains found using Proofpoint Essentials
Spam Experts: Total 216,937 domains found using Spam Experts
DMARC: Total 167,958 domains found using DMARC
Mimecast: Total 115,531 domains found using Mimecast
SPF2: Total 104,534 domains found using SPF2
DKIM1: Total 93,557 domains found using DKIM1
Sophos: Total 48,318 domains found using Sophos
Hornetsecurity: Total 45,355 domains found using Hornetsecurity


DuoCircle is Email Security.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including DuoCircle. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing DuoCircle through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 5,580 live websites that currently use DuoCircle.
DuoCircle has <0.1% market share in Email Security.
The primary competing technologies to DuoCircle are SPF1, MailChannels, Proofpoint Essentials, and Spam Experts.