
Category - Font Scripts

Snugly resizes text to fit its parent container

We have discovered  23,423 live websites   that are using fitty.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using fitty23,423 websites
Most popular in the country Netherlands
Market position in Font Scripts#27
Market penetration in Font Scripts0.10%
Most popular version2.3.6

Technology adoption

Recent changes in fitty usage.
Websites that added fitty 522
Websites that dropped fitty 539
Websites that changed version of fitty  16

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 2.xx (13 subversions, 1,371 domains)
  • 1.xx (6 subversions, 9 domains)

fitty usage by Country

United States2,347 websites

Netherlands19,863 websites
Germany424 websites
France117 websites
GB69 websites
Japan41 websites
Ireland41 websites
Russia41 websites
Singapore37 websites
Canada35 websites

fitty usage by TLD

.com18,444 websites
.co.uk453 websites
.co413 websites
.gr406 websites
.ca369 websites
.org350 websites
.de257 websites
.net230 websites
.io177 websites
.xyz142 websites

fitty Versions

sorted by popularity
2.3.6987 websites
2.2.6240 websites
2.3.241 websites
2.4.234 websites
2.3.326 websites
2.322 websites
2.3.59 websites
2.2.55 websites
14 websites
2.3.72 websites

See all fitty versions ...

Websites utilizing fitty

Top websites that use fitty
DomainCountryRankContacts United States2,734 Netherlands3,451 United States10,621 Netherlands14,970 United States20,542 United States21,024
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google Font API: Total 15,770,866 domains found using Google Font API
Font Awesome: Total 11,688,128 domains found using Font Awesome
Twemoji: Total 9,454,642 domains found using Twemoji
Typekit: Total 1,467,914 domains found using Typekit
Web Font Loader: Total 544,200 domains found using Web Font Loader
genericons: Total 513,439 domains found using genericons
simple-line-icons: Total 388,895 domains found using simple-line-icons
SIL Fonts: Total 325,805 domains found using SIL Fonts
svg4everybody: Total 321,798 domains found using svg4everybody
Ionicons: Total 319,276 domains found using Ionicons


fitty is Font Scripts.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including fitty. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing fitty through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 23,423 live websites that currently use fitty.
The primary competing technologies to fitty are Google Font API, Font Awesome, Twemoji, and Typekit.