
Category - Affiliate Programs, Shopify App

GoAffPro is an affiliate marketing app for your ecommerce store

We have discovered  18,861 live websites   that are using GoAffPro.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using GoAffPro18,861 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Affiliate Programs#10
Market share in Affiliate Programs2.51%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in GoAffPro usage.
Websites that added GoAffPro 1,049
Websites that dropped GoAffPro 1,597

Available Reports

Technology Information

GoAffPro usage by Country

United States15,983 websites

Germany1,226 websites
France451 websites
Israel392 websites
GB148 websites
Australia69 websites
Cyprus57 websites
Netherlands46 websites
Italy44 websites
South Africa40 websites

GoAffPro usage by TLD

.com14,164 websites
.co.uk611 websites
.com.au462 websites
.de451 websites
.co323 websites
.fr307 websites
.ca259 websites
.net181 websites
.in167 websites
.shop133 websites

Websites utilizing GoAffPro

Top websites that use GoAffPro
douksnow.com United States4,463
knoxlabs.com United States4,893
atlanticflagpole.com United States9,109
ecommerce-platforms.com United States30,230
fusionretrobooks.com United States31,531
bulletjournal.com United States33,116
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Amazon Associates: Total 185,651 domains found using Amazon Associates
ValueCommerce: Total 72,733 domains found using ValueCommerce
Moshimo: Total 59,449 domains found using Moshimo
Shareasale: Total 47,757 domains found using Shareasale
A8.NET Affiliate Service: Total 37,454 domains found using A8.NET Affiliate Service
Rakuten: Total 27,879 domains found using Rakuten
Pretty Links: Total 24,724 domains found using Pretty Links
Impact: Total 20,828 domains found using Impact
Booking: Total 20,233 domains found using Booking
Amazon Smile: Total 17,776 domains found using Amazon Smile


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including GoAffPro. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing GoAffPro through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 18,861 live websites that currently use GoAffPro.
GoAffPro has 2.51% market share in Affiliate Programs.
The primary competing technologies to GoAffPro are Amazon Associates, ValueCommerce, Moshimo, and Shareasale.