Headless UI

Category - UI Frameworks

We have discovered  14,702 live websites   that are using Headless UI.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Headless UI14,702 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in UI Frameworks#26
Market share in UI Frameworks<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Headless UI usage.
Websites that added Headless UI 1,352
Websites that dropped Headless UI 592

Available Reports

Technology Information

Headless UI usage by Country

United States11,930 websites

Germany516 websites
France396 websites
GB150 websites
Netherlands134 websites
Russia129 websites
China97 websites
Sweden92 websites
Iran87 websites
Singapore83 websites

Headless UI usage by TLD

.com6,167 websites
.nl642 websites
.de590 websites
.se507 websites
.net425 websites
.org422 websites
.be367 websites
.com.au355 websites
.eu347 websites
.io304 websites

Websites utilizing Headless UI

Top websites that use Headless UI
openjsf.org United States234
dreamhost.com United States518
jiathis.com United States1,851
sitepoint.com United States2,766
faz.net United States3,080
bmj.com United States3,234
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Bootstrap: Total 7,504,963 domains found using Bootstrap
jQuery UI: Total 6,361,028 domains found using jQuery UI
Revslider: Total 1,879,576 domains found using Revslider
UIKit: Total 211,204 domains found using UIKit
YUI: Total 201,322 domains found using YUI
ZURB Foundation: Total 182,941 domains found using ZURB Foundation
Tailwind CSS: Total 180,578 domains found using Tailwind CSS
Material Design Lite: Total 125,707 domains found using Material Design Lite
Layui: Total 70,137 domains found using Layui
Telerik DevCraft: Total 53,227 domains found using Telerik DevCraft


Headless UI is UI Frameworks.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Headless UI. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Headless UI through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 14,702 live websites that currently use Headless UI.
Headless UI has <0.1% market share in UI Frameworks.
The primary competing technologies to Headless UI are Bootstrap, jQuery UI, Revslider, and UIKit.