
Category - Miscellaneous

Headway helps you create a changelog to keep customers in the loop about your product.

We have discovered  566 live websites   that are using Headway.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Headway566 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Miscellaneous#220
Market penetration in Miscellaneous<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Headway usage. (See Headway Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Headway+7
Websites that dropped Headway-35

Headway usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Headway technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Headway

Top websites that use Headway
app.livestorm.co United States8,876
form.run United States14,224
www.hellobar.com United States29,250
load.fomo.com United States36,042
www.poptin.com United States40,572
www.barchart.com United States41,711
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Open Graph: Total 20,823,709 domains found using Open Graph
RSS: Total 15,910,646 domains found using RSS
HTTP/3: Total 12,502,718 domains found using HTTP/3
RSD: Total 12,303,875 domains found using RSD
HTTP/2: Total 6,882,027 domains found using HTTP/2
pingback: Total 6,637,865 domains found using pingback
animate.css: Total 3,832,321 domains found using animate.css
Gravatar: Total 2,885,114 domains found using Gravatar
PWA: Total 2,449,147 domains found using PWA
webpack: Total 2,371,817 domains found using webpack