Category - CMS, Web Design

i-CMS is a content management system for municipalities and cities

We have discovered  913 live websites   that are using i-CMS.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using i-CMS913 websites
Most popular in the country Switzerland
Market position in CMS#342
Market share in CMS<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in i-CMS usage. (See i-CMS Usage Changes report)
Websites that added i-CMS+3
Websites that dropped i-CMS-2

i-CMS usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of i-CMS technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

i-CMS market share within the CMS category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing i-CMS

Top websites that use i-CMS
www.stadtluzern.ch Switzerland83,822
www.ur.ch Switzerland91,682
www.nw.ch Switzerland96,550
www.ow.ch Switzerland103,586
www.i-web.ch Switzerland140,530
www.thun.ch Switzerland184,993
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

WordPress: Total 18,513,962 domains found using WordPress
Wix: Total 3,897,148 domains found using Wix
Squarespace: Total 2,032,038 domains found using Squarespace
Joomla: Total 903,748 domains found using Joomla
Jimdo: Total 488,872 domains found using Jimdo
GoDaddy Website Builder: Total 481,005 domains found using GoDaddy Website Builder
Weebly: Total 475,529 domains found using Weebly
Duda: Total 401,439 domains found using Duda
Drupal: Total 380,385 domains found using Drupal
Tumblr: Total 294,469 domains found using Tumblr

Alternative Names

  • i-Web