
Category - JavaScript Libraries, jQuery Plugins

jCarousel is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or vertical order.

We have discovered  188,157 live websites   that are using jCarousel.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using jCarousel188,157 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in JavaScript Libraries#79
Market penetration in JavaScript Libraries0.62%
Most popular version0.3.4

Technology adoption

Recent changes in jCarousel usage.
Websites that added jCarousel 10,291
Websites that dropped jCarousel 5,540
Websites that changed version of jCarousel  50

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 0.xx (2 subversions, 5 domains)

jCarousel usage by Country

United States55,153 websites

Russia21,449 websites
Germany13,082 websites
France11,808 websites
Brazil8,985 websites
GB5,490 websites
Poland4,356 websites
Netherlands4,133 websites
Japan3,948 websites
Vietnam3,731 websites

jCarousel usage by TLD

.com69,413 websites
.ru18,942 websites
.com.br7,929 websites
.de6,591 websites
.net5,797 websites
.org5,695 websites
.fr5,442 websites
.co.uk4,287 websites
.pl3,589 websites
.nl3,169 websites

jCarousel Versions

sorted by popularity
0.3.44 websites
0.3.81 websites

See all jCarousel versions ...

Websites utilizing jCarousel

Top websites that use jCarousel
ufsc.br Brazil196
redcross.org United States2,204
html5-player.libsyn.com United States2,424
usenix.org United States3,490
biorxiv.org United States4,854
tntransferpathway.org United States5,077
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

jQuery: Total 25,685,991 domains found using jQuery
jQuery Migrate: Total 11,368,443 domains found using jQuery Migrate
jQuery UI: Total 6,361,028 domains found using jQuery UI
Polyfill: Total 4,487,183 domains found using Polyfill
Swiper: Total 4,193,605 domains found using Swiper
html5shiv: Total 3,169,095 domains found using html5shiv
jQuery Waypoints: Total 2,434,837 domains found using jQuery Waypoints
Modernizr: Total 2,384,113 domains found using Modernizr
matchMedia: Total 2,268,990 domains found using matchMedia
underscore: Total 2,191,829 domains found using underscore


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including jCarousel. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing jCarousel through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 188,157 live websites that currently use jCarousel.
The primary competing technologies to jCarousel are jQuery, jQuery Migrate, jQuery UI, and Polyfill.