jQuery Form Plugin

Category - jQuery Plugins

The jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX.

We have discovered  728,481 live websites   that are using jQuery Form Plugin.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using jQuery Form Plugin728,481 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in jQuery Plugins#18
Market penetration in jQuery Plugins4.78%
Most popular version3.51

Technology adoption

Recent changes in jQuery Form Plugin usage.
Websites that added jQuery Form Plugin 13,228
Websites that dropped jQuery Form Plugin 25,523
Websites that changed version of jQuery Form Plugin  10,192

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • jquery.form

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 4.xx (13 subversions, 213,510 domains)
  • 3.xx (53 subversions, 216,942 domains)

jQuery Form usage by Country

United States211,718 websites

Germany65,531 websites
Japan54,286 websites
Russia49,795 websites
France49,019 websites
GB23,485 websites
China19,266 websites
Netherlands18,337 websites
Italy17,896 websites
Spain16,506 websites

jQuery Form usage by TLD

.com295,157 websites
.ru42,961 websites
.de31,782 websites
.org31,593 websites
.net19,953 websites
.fr19,100 websites
.nl16,944 websites
.co.uk16,750 websites
.it15,344 websites
.com.br13,734 websites

jQuery Form Plugin Versions

sorted by popularity
3.51172,815 websites
4.3167,953 websites
4.2.142,044 websites
3.508,506 websites
3.377,127 websites
3.323,475 websites
4.2.23,394 websites
3.402,929 websites
3.252,536 websites
3.142,485 websites

See all jQuery Form Plugin versions ...

Websites utilizing jQuery Form Plugin

Top websites that use jQuery Form Plugin
cnil.fr France637
gnome-girl.com United States1,021
epa.gov United States1,092
ispsystem.com Germany1,103
adr.org France1,246
nazwa.pl Poland1,736
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

imagesLoaded: Total 3,282,324 domains found using imagesLoaded
jQuery Waypoints: Total 2,334,295 domains found using jQuery Waypoints
jquery-easing: Total 1,954,488 domains found using jquery-easing
FlexSlider: Total 1,938,533 domains found using FlexSlider
Magnific Popup: Total 1,890,851 domains found using Magnific Popup
fancyBox: Total 1,849,124 domains found using fancyBox
jQuery NoConflict: Total 1,677,867 domains found using jQuery NoConflict
fitvids: Total 1,450,006 domains found using fitvids
jQuery Validation Plugin: Total 1,376,522 domains found using jQuery Validation Plugin
jQuery hoverIntent: Total 1,150,881 domains found using jQuery hoverIntent


jQuery Form Plugin is jQuery Plugins.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including jQuery Form Plugin. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing jQuery Form Plugin through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 728,481 live websites that currently use jQuery Form Plugin.
The primary competing technologies to jQuery Form Plugin are imagesLoaded, jQuery Waypoints, jquery-easing, and FlexSlider.