
Category - Talent Management System

myStaffingPro is an applicant tracking software

We have discovered  1,666 live websites   that are using myStaffingPro.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using myStaffingPro1,666 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Talent Management System#37
Market share in Talent Management System0.64%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in myStaffingPro usage. (See myStaffingPro Usage Changes report)
Websites that added myStaffingPro+103
Websites that dropped myStaffingPro-100

myStaffingPro usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of myStaffingPro technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

myStaffingPro market share within the Talent Management System category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing myStaffingPro

Top websites that use myStaffingPro
DomainCountryRankContacts United States6,289 United States13,892 United States14,278 United States15,680 United States16,045 United States39,626
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

WP Job Manager: Total 35,721 domains found using WP Job Manager
Indeed: Total 18,181 domains found using Indeed
ADP: Total 14,528 domains found using ADP
Workday: Total 12,702 domains found using Workday
BambooHR: Total 11,705 domains found using BambooHR
WP Job Openings: Total 10,643 domains found using WP Job Openings
Paylocity: Total 8,442 domains found using Paylocity
Workable: Total 8,091 domains found using Workable
iCIMS: Total 8,080 domains found using iCIMS
UltiPro: Total 7,411 domains found using UltiPro