Odin CA

Category - Certificate Authority

We have discovered  10,076 live websites   that are using Odin CA.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Odin CA10,076 websites
Most popular in the country Ireland
Market position in Certificate Authority#41
Market share in Certificate Authority<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Odin CA usage.
Websites that added Odin CA 62
Websites that dropped Odin CA 808

Available Reports

Technology Information

Odin CA usage by Country

United States1,245 websites

Ireland7,890 websites
Australia360 websites
Japan144 websites
GB125 websites
Poland103 websites
Belgium94 websites
New Zealand31 websites
Canada16 websites
France12 websites

Odin CA usage by TLD

.com4,610 websites
.ie3,804 websites
.org322 websites
.net298 websites
.com.au273 websites
.eu137 websites
.co.uk124 websites
.be73 websites
.pl70 websites
.jp33 websites

Websites utilizing Odin CA

Top websites that use Odin CA
digitallinguistics.com Ireland45,789
rdfs.org Ireland67,964
farsinet.com United States148,384
paulmc.org Ireland214,682
anthonymcg.com Ireland224,990
irishkc.com Ireland234,414
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Lets Encrypt: Total 30,469,110 domains found using Lets Encrypt
DigiCert: Total 3,524,796 domains found using DigiCert
GoDaddy CA: Total 2,893,057 domains found using GoDaddy CA
Sectigo: Total 2,799,055 domains found using Sectigo
Encryption Everywhere CA: Total 1,799,189 domains found using Encryption Everywhere CA
GlobalSign CA: Total 1,048,905 domains found using GlobalSign CA
AWS Certificate Manager: Total 933,674 domains found using AWS Certificate Manager
cPanel CA: Total 817,935 domains found using cPanel CA
RapidSSL CA: Total 600,574 domains found using RapidSSL CA
AlphaSSL CA: Total 527,818 domains found using AlphaSSL CA


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Odin CA. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Odin CA through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 10,076 live websites that currently use Odin CA.
Odin CA has <0.1% market share in Certificate Authority.
The primary competing technologies to Odin CA are Lets Encrypt, DigiCert, GoDaddy CA, and Sectigo.