
Category - Miscellaneous

SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.

We have discovered  34,791 live websites   that are using SyntaxHighlighter.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using SyntaxHighlighter34,791 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Miscellaneous#31
Market penetration in Miscellaneous<0.1%
Most popular version0.0.2

Technology adoption

Recent changes in SyntaxHighlighter usage.
Websites that added SyntaxHighlighter 2,298
Websites that dropped SyntaxHighlighter 1,499

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 3.xx (1 subversions, 2 domains)
  • 0.xx (1 subversions, 2 domains)

SyntaxHighlighter usage by Country

United States13,904 websites

Germany2,498 websites
Japan1,921 websites
Russia1,591 websites
China1,558 websites
France1,442 websites
GB843 websites
Italy707 websites
India635 websites

SyntaxHighlighter usage by TLD

.com16,861 websites
.net1,927 websites
.org1,539 websites
.ru1,339 websites
.de1,205 websites
.co.uk629 websites
.it552 websites
.jp530 websites
.com.br475 websites
.fr435 websites

SyntaxHighlighter Versions

sorted by popularity
0.0.22 websites
32 websites

See all SyntaxHighlighter versions ...

Websites utilizing SyntaxHighlighter

Top websites that use SyntaxHighlighter
DomainCountryRankContacts United States690 United States883 United States1,364 United States2,512 United States3,429 Singapore4,006
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Open Graph: Total 20,791,515 domains found using Open Graph
RSS: Total 15,702,074 domains found using RSS
RSD: Total 12,136,630 domains found using RSD
HTTP/3: Total 11,032,083 domains found using HTTP/3
pingback: Total 6,650,805 domains found using pingback
HTTP/2: Total 5,549,226 domains found using HTTP/2
Cart Functionality: Total 4,949,965 domains found using Cart Functionality
animate.css: Total 3,761,900 domains found using animate.css
Gravatar: Total 3,716,942 domains found using Gravatar
webpack: Total 2,549,117 domains found using webpack


SyntaxHighlighter is Miscellaneous.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including SyntaxHighlighter. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing SyntaxHighlighter through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 34,791 live websites that currently use SyntaxHighlighter.
The primary competing technologies to SyntaxHighlighter are Open Graph, RSS, RSD, and HTTP/3.