Think Up Themes Consulting

Category - Wordpress Themes

We have discovered  9,370 live websites   that are using Think Up Themes Consulting.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Think Up Themes Consulting9,370 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Wordpress Themes#91
Market penetration in Wordpress Themes0.14%
Most popular version4.0.2

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Think Up Themes Consulting usage. (See Think Up Themes Consulting Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Think Up Themes Consulting+70
Websites that dropped Think Up Themes Consulting-117
Websites that changed version of Think Up Themes Consulting793

Think Up Themes Consulting usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Think Up Themes Consulting technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Think Up Themes Consulting

Top websites that use Think Up Themes Consulting
DomainCountryRankContacts United States29,427 United States41,084 United States65,754 GB79,473 United States92,638 India132,377
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Divi: Total 1,034,343 domains found using Divi
Hello Elementor: Total 566,443 domains found using Hello Elementor
Astra Theme: Total 548,053 domains found using Astra Theme
Avada: Total 319,330 domains found using Avada
GeneratePress: Total 234,387 domains found using GeneratePress
Enfold: Total 204,943 domains found using Enfold
H4: Total 204,159 domains found using H4
Genesis Framework: Total 190,692 domains found using Genesis Framework
Twenty Seventeen: Total 177,903 domains found using Twenty Seventeen
Divi Child: Total 176,537 domains found using Divi Child

Major Versions

  • 1.xx (24 subversions, 111 domains)
  • 2.xx (6 subversions, 51 domains)
  • 3.xx (22 subversions, 61 domains)
  • 4.xx (31 subversions, 288 domains)
  • 5.xx (16 subversions, 97 domains)
  • 6.xx (52 subversions, 203 domains)
  • 9.xx (1 subversions, 2 domains)
  • 10.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)
  • 69.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)

Think Up Themes Consulting Versions

Think Up Themes Consulting 4.0.2209 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 1.161 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 2.0.340 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 6.5.2021 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 5.119 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 6.5.1615 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 114 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 5.2.313 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 3.413 websites
Think Up Themes Consulting 5.0.113 websites

See all Think Up Themes Consulting versions ...