
Category - JavaScript Libraries

JavaScript micro templates.

We have discovered  1,613 live websites   that are using tmpl.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using tmpl1,613 websites
Most popular in the country Russia
Market position in JavaScript Libraries#874
Market penetration in JavaScript Libraries<0.1%
Most popular version1

Technology adoption

Recent changes in tmpl usage.
Websites that added tmpl 398
Websites that dropped tmpl 12,669
Websites that changed version of tmpl  9

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 1.xx (5 subversions, 178 domains)

tmpl usage by Country

United States237 websites

Russia262 websites
Germany237 websites
Italy92 websites
Poland91 websites
France90 websites
Switzerland66 websites
Netherlands64 websites
Turkey46 websites
Spain26 websites

tmpl usage by TLD

.com402 websites
.ru223 websites
.de156 websites
.pl67 websites
.it66 websites
.nl60 websites
.ch59 websites
.org41 websites
.net35 websites
.fr33 websites

tmpl Versions

sorted by popularity
1139 websites
1.1.123 websites
1.18 websites
1.0.57 websites
1.0.11 websites

See all tmpl versions ...

Websites utilizing tmpl

Top websites that use tmpl
DomainCountryRankContacts United States76,676 Japan89,515 Japan271,217 United States342,342 United States404,948 Japan464,447
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

jQuery: Total 27,710,581 domains found using jQuery
jQuery Migrate: Total 12,246,431 domains found using jQuery Migrate
jQuery UI: Total 6,796,130 domains found using jQuery UI
Polyfill: Total 6,249,031 domains found using Polyfill
Swiper: Total 4,381,333 domains found using Swiper
jQuery Waypoints: Total 3,652,200 domains found using jQuery Waypoints
html5shiv: Total 3,508,479 domains found using html5shiv
regenerator-runtime: Total 2,957,017 domains found using regenerator-runtime
Modernizr: Total 2,640,021 domains found using Modernizr
underscore: Total 2,497,445 domains found using underscore


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including tmpl. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing tmpl through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 1,613 live websites that currently use tmpl.
The primary competing technologies to tmpl are jQuery, jQuery Migrate, jQuery UI, and Polyfill.