Category - Document Encoding

UTF-8 is 8 bit Unicode encoding. Since 2010 UTF-8 has been the main encoding format for World Wide Web.

We have discovered  59,468,780 live websites   that are using UTF-8.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using UTF-859,468,780 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Document Encoding#1
Market share in Document Encoding79.26%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in UTF-8 usage. (See UTF-8 Usage Changes report)
Websites that added UTF-8+455,613
Websites that dropped UTF-8-436,313

UTF-8 usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of UTF-8 technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

UTF-8 market share within the Document Encoding category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing UTF-8

Top websites that use UTF-8
fonts.googleapis.com United States1
facebook.com United States2
www.facebook.com United States2
google.com United States3
www.google.com United States3
wordpress.org United States4
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

ISO-8859-1: Total 14,010,293 domains found using ISO-8859-1
GB2312: Total 951,476 domains found using GB2312
Shift JIS: Total 277,111 domains found using Shift JIS
windows-1251: Total 205,174 domains found using windows-1251
GBK: Total 117,861 domains found using GBK
UTF-16: Total 2,133 domains found using UTF-16
UTF-32: Total 61 domains found using UTF-32