
Category - CMS

Wagtail is the leading open-source Python CMS

We have discovered  4,467 live websites   that are using Wagtail.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Wagtail4,467 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in CMS#151
Market share in CMS<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Wagtail usage.
Websites that added Wagtail 843
Websites that dropped Wagtail 3,255

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • Wagtail CMS

Technology Information

Wagtail usage by Country

United States2,504 websites

Germany455 websites
Netherlands294 websites
Singapore181 websites
France148 websites
Russia129 websites
Italy80 websites
Czech Republic79 websites
Switzerland77 websites
GB67 websites

Wagtail usage by TLD

.com1,227 websites
.org415 websites
.nl342 websites
.edu275 websites
.de242 websites
.co.uk110 websites
.ru105 websites
.net102 websites
.it102 websites
.cz90 websites

Websites utilizing Wagtail

Top websites that use Wagtail
cloud.google.com United States71
eventbrite.com United States180
workspace.google.com United States347
ietf.org United States352
eventbrite.co.uk United States741
blog.google United States746
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

WordPress: Total 14,970,492 domains found using WordPress
Wix: Total 2,115,911 domains found using Wix
Squarespace: Total 1,314,418 domains found using Squarespace
Joomla: Total 929,714 domains found using Joomla
GoDaddy Website Builder: Total 415,414 domains found using GoDaddy Website Builder
Duda: Total 384,164 domains found using Duda
Weebly: Total 365,014 domains found using Weebly
Optimizely: Total 355,667 domains found using Optimizely
Tumblr: Total 343,508 domains found using Tumblr
Drupal: Total 337,519 domains found using Drupal


Wagtail is CMS.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Wagtail. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Wagtail through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 4,467 live websites that currently use Wagtail.
Wagtail has <0.1% market share in CMS.
The primary competing technologies to Wagtail are WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and Joomla.