Zoho Analytics

Category - Business Intelligence

Zoho Analytics is a self-service BI and data analytics software that lets you analyze your data, create stunning data visualizations, and discover hidden insights in minutes.

We have discovered  1,325 live websites   that are using Zoho Analytics.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Zoho Analytics1,325 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Business Intelligence#4
Market share in Business Intelligence14.00%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Zoho Analytics usage.
Websites that added Zoho Analytics 111
Websites that dropped Zoho Analytics 77

Available Reports

Technology Information

Zoho Analytics usage by Country

United States896 websites

France58 websites
GB58 websites
Germany41 websites
Israel38 websites
Australia27 websites
South Africa22 websites
Netherlands17 websites
Canada17 websites
Spain16 websites

Zoho Analytics usage by TLD

.com788 websites
.com.au61 websites
.co.uk57 websites
.org35 websites
.fr30 websites
.ca29 websites
.net23 websites
.co.za20 websites
.nl17 websites
.de15 websites

Websites utilizing Zoho Analytics

Top websites that use Zoho Analytics
insiderealestate.com United States12,401
eastpointfoundry.com United States35,205
nctm.org United States41,476
kramden.org United States42,959
waveforge.com United States50,798
vagas.com.br Brazil54,850
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Tableau: Total 4,353 domains found using Tableau
Power Apps: Total 2,005 domains found using Power Apps
Microsoft Power BI: Total 1,361 domains found using Microsoft Power BI
Kibana: Total 226 domains found using Kibana
Putler: Total 91 domains found using Putler
Oracle EBS: Total 65 domains found using Oracle EBS
iKnowlogy: Total 29 domains found using iKnowlogy
Anodot: Total 5 domains found using Anodot
bipp: Total 1 domains found using bipp


Zoho Analytics is Business Intelligence.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Zoho Analytics. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Zoho Analytics through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 1,325 live websites that currently use Zoho Analytics.
Zoho Analytics has 14.00% market share in Business Intelligence.
The primary competing technologies to Zoho Analytics are Tableau, Power Apps, Microsoft Power BI, and Kibana.