
HTTP response header

Header usage statistics

Cf-Railgun response header information and usage statistics.
Websites using header Cf-Railgun1,184
Percentage of websites that use Cf-Railgun header<0.1%
Total discovered header values26
Header uses directivesNo
Header values are unique or randomNo
Most popular in the country United States

Cf-Railgun Directives

Cf-Railgun directives value information and usage statistics
DirectiveShareWebsites countUnique Values

Connected technologies

Technologies that utilize the header
Cloudflare, category Content Delivery Networks, total 10,469,607 websites

Cf-Railgun header usage distribution by website rank

Geographical Distribution

Header usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Cf-Railgun

List of websites that use Cf-Railgun header
DomainCountryRankContacts United States29,703 United States74,005 United States106,088 Germany124,757 United States133,391 GB192,418
See full domain list

Common header values

List of top common Cf-Railgun header values
Header valueValue prevalence
direct (starting new WAN connection)88.94%
direct (waiting for pending WAN connection)9.04%
0606ab6fe0 stream 0.000000 0210 0dda0.08%
20343f8d41 stream 0.000000 0200 57da0.08%
39776007d3 stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
3b5292b7e5 stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
406a9278c8 stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
513d9c9d8a stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
5e9592f0c9 stream 0.000000 0210 0dda0.08%
6810b24d3b stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
6e218e33ee stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
74d74cc795 stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
7a99aff653 stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
7d01286b88 stream 0.000000 0210 0dda0.08%
835ca8b2d1 0.03 0.196435 0030 0dda0.08%
8e7e68a8a5 stream 0.000000 0210 0dda0.08%
972726c28f 4.47 0.001640 0030 57da0.08%
a3f84534a3 stream 0.000000 0210 0dda0.08%
f79603d46d stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%
ad964352c8 stream 0.000000 0200 0dda0.08%