Domain Parking

Domain parking is the registration of an Internet domain name without that domain being associated with any services such as e-mail or a website. It may be done to reserve the domain name for future development.

We have discovered 5,369,611 live websites that use Domain Parking.

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Domain Parking usage statistics

Total sites that use Domain Parking5,369,611 websites
Percentage of website that use category8.53%
Number of technologies in Domain Parking category26

Category leader GoDaddy Parking
Fastest Growing Technology GoDaddy Parking
Most Popular in Country United States

Domain Parking usage by Country

United States3,950,923 websites

Australia401,357 websites
Germany339,336 websites
Canada334,653 websites
GB138,796 websites
Netherlands36,001 websites
Sweden15,231 websites
India13,262 websites
France13,227 websites

Domain Parking usage by TLD

.com3,707,408 websites
.org219,876 websites
.net218,277 websites
.co.uk178,510 websites
.de123,009 websites
.it78,784 websites
.nl59,463 websites
.co59,034 websites
.info54,658 websites
.com.au33,272 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Domain Parking category (out of 26 total).
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
HugeDomains Domain Parking NameBright Domain Parking6,670
GoDaddy Parking Bodis Domain Parking5,954
GoDaddy Parking Afternic5,612
Afternic GoDaddy Parking5,146
Bodis Domain Parking GoDaddy Parking4,297
TRELLIAN Hosting Bodis Domain Parking2,883

Websites utilizing Domain Parking

Top websites that use Domain Parking
DomainCountryRankContacts United States381 Australia482 Australia483 Australia485 GB530 British Virgin Islands560
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