
Category - Search Engines

We have discovered  1,219 live websites   that are using Addsearch.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Addsearch1,219 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Search Engines#41
Market share in Search Engines<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Addsearch usage.
Websites that added Addsearch 55
Websites that dropped Addsearch 77

Available Reports

Technology Information

Addsearch usage by Country

United States757 websites

Belgium157 websites
Finland53 websites
Germany38 websites
GB37 websites
Italy26 websites
Canada23 websites
Switzerland16 websites
Czech Republic14 websites
Sweden12 websites

Addsearch usage by TLD

.com539 websites
.be158 websites
.org87 websites
.fi64 websites
.com.au37 websites
.de31 websites
.co.uk28 websites
.net25 websites
.ca24 websites
.it23 websites

Websites utilizing Addsearch

Top websites that use Addsearch
DomainCountryRankContacts United States5,772 United States12,767 United States14,814 United States17,425 Spain18,998 Finland33,578
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Sitelinks search box: Total 8,285,437 domains found using Sitelinks search box
Google Programmable Search Engine: Total 102,855 domains found using Google Programmable Search Engine
Ivory Search: Total 44,510 domains found using Ivory Search
Algolia: Total 33,838 domains found using Algolia
Lunr: Total 19,704 domains found using Lunr
Elasticsearch: Total 18,682 domains found using Elasticsearch
DooFinder: Total 12,941 domains found using DooFinder
Global search: Total 12,189 domains found using Global search
Fuse.js: Total 11,440 domains found using Fuse.js
Filterizr: Total 11,058 domains found using Filterizr


Addsearch is Search Engines.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Addsearch. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Addsearch through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 1,219 live websites that currently use Addsearch.
Addsearch has <0.1% market share in Search Engines.
The primary competing technologies to Addsearch are Sitelinks search box, Google Programmable Search Engine, Ivory Search, and Algolia.