
Category - Editors

Bluefish Editor is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and webdesigners.

We have discovered  4,725 live websites   that are using Bluefish.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Bluefish4,725 websites
Most popular in the country Germany
Market position in Editors#21
Market share in Editors0.30%
Most popular version1.0.7

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Bluefish usage.
Websites that added Bluefish 149
Websites that dropped Bluefish 171
Websites that changed version of Bluefish  270

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 10.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)
  • 2.xx (21 subversions, 3,564 domains)
  • 1.xx (8 subversions, 1,039 domains)
  • 0.xx (8 subversions, 23 domains)

Bluefish usage by Country

United States947 websites

Germany1,468 websites
France308 websites
Italy209 websites
Poland173 websites
GB171 websites
Czech Republic162 websites
Netherlands143 websites
Russia132 websites
Switzerland93 websites

Bluefish usage by TLD

.de1,108 websites
.com1,108 websites
.org328 websites
.net267 websites
.cz134 websites
.it134 websites
.fr131 websites
.pl129 websites
.ru114 websites
.nl103 websites

Bluefish Versions

sorted by popularity
1.0.7885 websites
2.2.10688 websites
2.2.7475 websites
2.2.12466 websites
2.2.5294 websites
2.2.11286 websites
2.2.3195 websites
2.2.2187 websites
2.2.6159 websites
2.0.3152 websites

See all Bluefish versions ...

Websites utilizing Bluefish

Top websites that use Bluefish
DomainCountryRankContacts Netherlands63,345 Spain78,485 United States91,584 United States145,250 France150,640 Switzerland166,689
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

DreamWeaver: Total 587,596 domains found using DreamWeaver
Gutenberg: Total 191,082 domains found using Gutenberg
Microsoft Word: Total 177,873 domains found using Microsoft Word
FrontPage: Total 164,431 domains found using FrontPage
Adobe Illustrator: Total 106,030 domains found using Adobe Illustrator
WebSite X5: Total 58,000 domains found using WebSite X5
iWeb: Total 43,666 domains found using iWeb
Xara Web Designer: Total 37,885 domains found using Xara Web Designer
Adobe GoLive: Total 29,560 domains found using Adobe GoLive
NetObjects Fusion: Total 24,209 domains found using NetObjects Fusion


Bluefish is Editors.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Bluefish. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Bluefish through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 4,725 live websites that currently use Bluefish.
Bluefish has 0.30% market share in Editors.
The primary competing technologies to Bluefish are DreamWeaver, Gutenberg, Microsoft Word, and FrontPage.