
Category - Payment Acceptance

Boleto bancário is an official Brazilian payment method regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil.

We have discovered  6,036 live websites   that are using Boleto.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Boleto6,036 websites
Most popular in the country Brazil
Market position in Payment Acceptance#16
Market share in Payment Acceptance0.14%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Boleto usage.
Websites that added Boleto 520
Websites that dropped Boleto 739

Available Reports

Technology Information

Boleto usage by Country

United States2,131 websites

Brazil3,766 websites
Cyprus26 websites
France21 websites
Germany15 websites
Netherlands13 websites
Israel9 websites
Hong Kong8 websites
Poland6 websites
Singapore6 websites

Boleto usage by TLD

.com.br4,601 websites
.com1,103 websites
.org72 websites
.net51 websites
.ru29 websites
.info14 websites
.org.br13 websites
.net.br13 websites
.pl11 websites
.co11 websites

Websites utilizing Boleto

Top websites that use Boleto
DomainCountryRankContacts Brazil6,999 United States8,739 Brazil15,029 Brazil48,813 United States67,486 United States70,400
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

PayPal: Total 1,134,476 domains found using PayPal
Shop Pay: Total 549,689 domains found using Shop Pay
Visa: Total 452,665 domains found using Visa
Mastercard: Total 447,879 domains found using Mastercard
Apple Pay: Total 408,173 domains found using Apple Pay
American Express: Total 327,844 domains found using American Express
Google Pay: Total 222,260 domains found using Google Pay
Discover: Total 220,101 domains found using Discover
Diners Club: Total 177,333 domains found using Diners Club
Maestro: Total 98,847 domains found using Maestro


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Boleto. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Boleto through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 6,036 live websites that currently use Boleto.
Boleto has 0.14% market share in Payment Acceptance.
The primary competing technologies to Boleto are PayPal, Shop Pay, Visa, and Mastercard.