Event Schema

Category - Schema

An event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival

We have discovered  126,224 live websites   that are using Event Schema.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Event Schema126,224 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Schema#15
Market penetration in Schema0.82%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Event Schema usage. (See Event Schema Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Event Schema+22,498
Websites that dropped Event Schema-13,344

Event Schema usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Event Schema technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Event Schema

Top websites that use Event Schema
www.eventbrite.com United States180
www.meetup.com United States773
blog.archive.org United States1,094
www.coursera.org United States1,770
www.cc.com United States2,460
www.berlin.de Germany2,821
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

CreativeWork Schema: Total 12,609,481 domains found using CreativeWork Schema
Search Schema: Total 8,152,849 domains found using Search Schema
Organization Schema: Total 7,652,754 domains found using Organization Schema
Person Schema: Total 3,278,228 domains found using Person Schema
PostalAddress Schema: Total 2,934,999 domains found using PostalAddress Schema
LocalBusiness Schema: Total 2,799,766 domains found using LocalBusiness Schema
Place Schema: Total 2,392,972 domains found using Place Schema
Product Schema: Total 1,493,884 domains found using Product Schema
Offer Schema: Total 1,452,284 domains found using Offer Schema
Rating Schema: Total 877,690 domains found using Rating Schema