GleSYS Email

Category - Web Mail

GleSYS provides cloud services

We have discovered  12,735 live websites   that are using GleSYS Email.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using GleSYS Email12,735 websites
Most popular in the country Sweden
Market position in Web Mail#147
Market share in Web Mail<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in GleSYS Email usage.
Websites that added GleSYS Email 12
Websites that dropped GleSYS Email 624

Available Reports

Technology Information

GleSYS Email usage by Country

United States1,628 websites

Sweden10,750 websites
Norway43 websites
Germany41 websites
Finland37 websites
Niue34 websites
Denmark21 websites
Italy20 websites
Japan20 websites
France18 websites

GleSYS Email usage by TLD

.se6,956 websites
.com1,608 websites
.nu1,082 websites
.jp523 websites
.fi292 websites
.org269 websites
.no256 websites
.net246 websites
.dk162 websites
.de162 websites

Websites utilizing GleSYS Email

Top websites that use GleSYS Email
DomainCountryRankContacts Sweden74,022 Sweden115,374 United States128,591 Sweden157,056 Sweden164,619 Sweden164,789
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google Workspace: Total 13,286,251 domains found using Google Workspace
Microsoft 365: Total 5,447,834 domains found using Microsoft 365
GoDaddy Email: Total 2,286,156 domains found using GoDaddy Email
Ionos Email: Total 1,743,237 domains found using Ionos Email
Hostgator Mail: Total 908,867 domains found using Hostgator Mail
OVH Mail: Total 828,630 domains found using OVH Mail
Strato Email: Total 744,520 domains found using Strato Email
MailChannels: Total 631,371 domains found using MailChannels
Namecheap Mail: Total 504,096 domains found using Namecheap Mail Mail: Total 503,036 domains found using Mail


GleSYS Email is Web Mail.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including GleSYS Email. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing GleSYS Email through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 12,735 live websites that currently use GleSYS Email.
GleSYS Email has <0.1% market share in Web Mail.
The primary competing technologies to GleSYS Email are Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, GoDaddy Email, and Ionos Email.