OVH Mail

Category - Web Mail

We have discovered  790,992 live websites   that are using OVH Mail.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using OVH Mail790,992 websites
Most popular in the country France
Market position in Web Mail#6
Market share in Web Mail2.07%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in OVH Mail usage.
Websites that added OVH Mail 5,368
Websites that dropped OVH Mail 9,574

Websites utilizing OVH Mail

Top websites that use OVH Mail
DomainCountryRankContacts France418 France603 France1,714 France2,515 GB3,135 France3,594
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google Workspace: Total 12,860,361 domains found using Google Workspace
Microsoft 365: Total 5,379,661 domains found using Microsoft 365
GoDaddy Email: Total 2,209,886 domains found using GoDaddy Email
Ionos Email: Total 1,676,050 domains found using Ionos Email
Hostgator Mail: Total 833,737 domains found using Hostgator Mail
Strato Email: Total 720,644 domains found using Strato Email
MailChannels: Total 633,504 domains found using MailChannels
Namecheap Mail: Total 501,342 domains found using Namecheap Mail
Zoho: Total 448,267 domains found using Zoho
Zoho Mail: Total 408,264 domains found using Zoho Mail


OVH Mail is Web Mail.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including OVH Mail. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing OVH Mail through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 790,992 live websites that currently use OVH Mail.
OVH Mail has 2.07% market share in Web Mail.
The primary competing technologies to OVH Mail are Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, GoDaddy Email, and Ionos Email.