
Category - CDN, WAF

This is an extendable cache library that brings you a lot of features for caching data.

We have discovered  8,803 live websites   that are using GoCache.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using GoCache8,803 websites
Most popular in the country Brazil
Market position in CDN#38
Market penetration in CDN<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in GoCache usage. (See GoCache Usage Changes report)
Websites that added GoCache+156
Websites that dropped GoCache-166

GoCache usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of GoCache technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing GoCache

Top websites that use GoCache
imgs.kenlo.io Brazil78,383
managing-images.kenlo.io Brazil78,421
www.bw3785.com United States79,202
prefeitura.pbh.gov.br Brazil80,021
meioemensagem.com.br Brazil82,334
www.meioemensagem.com.br Brazil82,334
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

GStatic: Total 15,091,300 domains found using GStatic
Cloudflare: Total 10,469,607 domains found using Cloudflare
Google Hosted Libraries: Total 4,104,786 domains found using Google Hosted Libraries
cdnjs: Total 3,363,802 domains found using cdnjs
BootstrapCDN: Total 2,093,178 domains found using BootstrapCDN
Google Cloud CDN: Total 2,061,034 domains found using Google Cloud CDN
jQuery CDN: Total 1,719,774 domains found using jQuery CDN
jsDelivr: Total 1,660,816 domains found using jsDelivr
Amazon S3: Total 1,234,610 domains found using Amazon S3
StackPath CDN: Total 1,066,591 domains found using StackPath CDN