Google Charts

Category - JavaScript Graphics

Google Charts is a web service that creates charts from user supplied data

We have discovered  34,524 live websites   that are using Google Charts.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Google Charts34,524 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in JavaScript Graphics#4
Market penetration in JavaScript Graphics10.35%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Google Charts usage. (See Google Charts Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Google Charts+647
Websites that dropped Google Charts-766

Google Charts usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Google Charts technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Google Charts

Top websites that use Google Charts
DomainCountryRankContacts United States523 Singapore1,243 United States1,925 United States2,466 United States2,919 United States6,485
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

MathJax: Total 71,698 domains found using MathJax
Supersized: Total 45,768 domains found using Supersized
Raphael: Total 43,132 domains found using Raphael
Highcharts: Total 29,174 domains found using Highcharts
D3.js: Total 23,912 domains found using D3.js
Snap.svg: Total 20,900 domains found using Snap.svg
Flot: Total 19,910 domains found using Flot
amCharts: Total 13,019 domains found using amCharts
Exhibit: Total 6,923 domains found using Exhibit
fabric: Total 5,587 domains found using fabric