Highcharts Stock

Category - JavaScript Graphics, Charting

Highcharts Stock is a high-performance financial charting library

We have discovered  4,115 live websites   that are using Highcharts Stock.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Highcharts Stock4,115 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in JavaScript Graphics#14
Market share in JavaScript Graphics1.26%
Most popular version1.3.1

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Highcharts Stock usage.
Websites that added Highcharts Stock 130
Websites that dropped Highcharts Stock 134
Websites that changed version of Highcharts Stock  1

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • Highstock

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 6.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)
  • 5.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)
  • 1.xx (2 subversions, 2 domains)

Highcharts Stock usage by Country

United States1,886 websites

Germany330 websites
France222 websites
Russia162 websites
China139 websites
Netherlands132 websites
GB85 websites
India71 websites
Australia59 websites
Egypt56 websites

Highcharts Stock usage by TLD

.com1,796 websites
.org215 websites
.net148 websites
.ru147 websites
.de140 websites
.com.br129 websites
.fr111 websites
.com.au85 websites
.eu69 websites
.nl54 websites

Highcharts Stock Versions

sorted by popularity
1.3.11 websites
1.3.51 websites
5.0.141 websites
6.0.31 websites

See all Highcharts Stock versions ...

Websites utilizing Highcharts Stock

Top websites that use Highcharts Stock
httparchive.org United States13,374
eleconomista.es Spain13,929
msci.com United States19,872
swpc.noaa.gov United States27,075
marketscreener.com France31,943
nseindia.com Netherlands33,064
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

MathJax: Total 67,275 domains found using MathJax
Raphael: Total 38,329 domains found using Raphael
Supersized: Total 36,922 domains found using Supersized
Google Charts: Total 32,013 domains found using Google Charts
Highcharts: Total 28,723 domains found using Highcharts
D3.js: Total 22,856 domains found using D3.js
Flot: Total 19,304 domains found using Flot
Snap.svg: Total 18,426 domains found using Snap.svg
amCharts: Total 12,959 domains found using amCharts
Exhibit: Total 6,543 domains found using Exhibit


Highcharts Stock is JavaScript Graphics, and Charting.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Highcharts Stock. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Highcharts Stock through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 4,115 live websites that currently use Highcharts Stock.
Highcharts Stock has 1.26% market share in JavaScript Graphics.
The primary competing technologies to Highcharts Stock are MathJax, Raphael, Supersized, and Google Charts.