
Category - Maps

A useful control to geolocate the user with many options. Official Leaflet and MapBox plugin.

We have discovered  4,070 live websites   that are using leaflet-locatecontrol.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using leaflet-locatecontrol4,070 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Maps#38
Market share in Maps<0.1%
Most popular version0.61

Technology adoption

Recent changes in leaflet-locatecontrol usage.
Websites that added leaflet-locatecontrol 440
Websites that dropped leaflet-locatecontrol 156
Websites that changed version of leaflet-locatecontrol  8

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • leaflet locatecontrol

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 0.xx (35 subversions, 495 domains)

leaflet-locatecontrol usage by Country

United States975 websites

Germany858 websites
GB461 websites
France381 websites
Poland189 websites
Czech Republic180 websites
Italy146 websites
Netherlands88 websites
Switzerland88 websites
Slovakia54 websites

leaflet-locatecontrol usage by TLD

.com859 websites
.de629 websites
.org288 websites
.fr241 websites
.org.uk232 websites
.net188 websites
.pl181 websites
.cz165 websites
.it140 websites
.co.uk118 websites

leaflet-locatecontrol Versions

sorted by popularity
0.61177 websites
0.4376 websites
0.7246 websites
0.2424 websites
0.6720 websites
0.7916 websites
0.7615 websites
0.76.113 websites
0.6213 websites
0.66.211 websites

See all leaflet-locatecontrol versions ...

Websites utilizing leaflet-locatecontrol

Top websites that use leaflet-locatecontrol
umap.openstreetmap.fr France6,900
maps.ie United States8,950
journal-officiel.gouv.fr France28,490
mapsdirections.info United States33,990
opentopomap.org Germany53,956
cyclestreets.net GB66,366
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google Maps: Total 6,607,524 domains found using Google Maps
Google Maps API: Total 2,140,544 domains found using Google Maps API
Google Maps Engine: Total 574,562 domains found using Google Maps Engine
Yandex Maps: Total 372,528 domains found using Yandex Maps
Leaflet JS: Total 318,761 domains found using Leaflet JS
Leaflet: Total 274,365 domains found using Leaflet
OpenStreetMap: Total 199,755 domains found using OpenStreetMap
Mapbox: Total 133,768 domains found using Mapbox
Baidu Maps: Total 123,136 domains found using Baidu Maps
Mapbox GL JS: Total 83,501 domains found using Mapbox GL JS


leaflet-locatecontrol is Maps.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including leaflet-locatecontrol. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing leaflet-locatecontrol through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 4,070 live websites that currently use leaflet-locatecontrol.
leaflet-locatecontrol has <0.1% market share in Maps.
The primary competing technologies to leaflet-locatecontrol are Google Maps, Google Maps API, Google Maps Engine, and Yandex Maps.