
Category - Email Signature

Letsignit is an email signature manager

We have discovered  2,223 live websites   that are using Letsignit.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Letsignit2,223 websites
Most popular in the country France
Market position in Email Signature#4
Market share in Email Signature1.89%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Letsignit usage.
Websites that added Letsignit 25
Websites that dropped Letsignit 40

Available Reports

Technology Information

Letsignit usage by Country

United States717 websites

France948 websites
Canada86 websites
Netherlands81 websites
Germany72 websites
Denmark66 websites
Switzerland65 websites
GB34 websites
Sweden24 websites
Israel22 websites

Letsignit usage by TLD

.com898 websites
.fr622 websites
.ca96 websites
.dk80 websites
.nl75 websites
.ch42 websites
.org41 websites
.co.uk40 websites
.no34 websites
.eu33 websites

Websites utilizing Letsignit

Top websites that use Letsignit
mediametrie.fr United States8,355
amplitude.com United States16,975
qualibat.com Switzerland29,579
actu-environnement.com France44,596
ladbible.com United States51,199
akto.fr France57,384
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

CodeTwo: Total 55,351 domains found using CodeTwo
Exclaimer: Total 48,363 domains found using Exclaimer
Agile CRM: Total 2,539 domains found using Agile CRM
Rocketseed: Total 2,152 domains found using Rocketseed
Crossware: Total 1,769 domains found using Crossware
CI-Sign: Total 1,602 domains found using CI-Sign
Opensense: Total 1,257 domains found using Opensense
Xink: Total 991 domains found using Xink
Terminus: Total 834 domains found using Terminus
Email Signature Manager: Total 358 domains found using Email Signature Manager


Letsignit is Email Signature.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Letsignit. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Letsignit through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 2,223 live websites that currently use Letsignit.
Letsignit has 1.89% market share in Email Signature.
The primary competing technologies to Letsignit are CodeTwo, Exclaimer, Agile CRM, and Rocketseed.