
Category - Performance

We have discovered  6,183 live websites   that are using Partytown.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Partytown6,183 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Performance#21
Market share in Performance0.25%
Most popular version0.10.2

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Partytown usage.
Websites that added Partytown 1,917
Websites that dropped Partytown 1,854
Websites that changed version of Partytown  614

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 0.xx (26 subversions, 4,347 domains)

Partytown usage by Country

United States4,349 websites

Russia947 websites
Singapore132 websites
Poland94 websites
Germany79 websites
Hong Kong53 websites
GB52 websites
Japan39 websites
France39 websites
India34 websites

Partytown usage by TLD

.com3,276 websites
.ru718 websites
.net228 websites
.menu149 websites
.org141 websites
.co.uk125 websites
.com.br113 websites
.pl84 websites
.xn--p1ai66 websites
.co58 websites

Partytown Versions

sorted by popularity
0.10.22,286 websites
0.8476 websites
0.8.2441 websites
0.7.6296 websites
0.8.1287 websites
0.7.5107 websites
0.10.198 websites
0.1080 websites
0.7.346 websites
0.9.138 websites

See all Partytown versions ...

Websites utilizing Partytown

Top websites that use Partytown
DomainCountryRankContacts United States2,239 United States3,070 United States6,077 United States6,651 United States6,936 United States6,946
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google PageSpeed: Total 702,137 domains found using Google PageSpeed
WP Fastest Cache: Total 426,301 domains found using WP Fastest Cache
Autoptimize: Total 391,853 domains found using Autoptimize
WP-Optimize: Total 189,322 domains found using WP-Optimize
EWWW Image Optimizer: Total 111,223 domains found using EWWW Image Optimizer
NitroPack: Total 105,787 domains found using NitroPack
Turbolinks: Total 78,649 domains found using Turbolinks
ShortPixel Image Optimizer: Total 73,514 domains found using ShortPixel Image Optimizer
a3 Lazy Load: Total 60,680 domains found using a3 Lazy Load
Google Cloud Trace: Total 58,098 domains found using Google Cloud Trace


Partytown is Performance.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Partytown. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Partytown through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 6,183 live websites that currently use Partytown.
Partytown has 0.25% market share in Performance.
The primary competing technologies to Partytown are Google PageSpeed, WP Fastest Cache, Autoptimize, and WP-Optimize.