Place Schema

Category - Schema

Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension.

We have discovered  2,521,205 live websites   that are using Place Schema.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Place Schema2,521,205 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Schema#7
Market penetration in Schema15.82%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Place Schema usage.
Websites that added Place Schema 142,557
Websites that dropped Place Schema 69,231

Available Reports

Technology Information

Place Schema usage by Country

United States1,411,986 websites

Israel536,150 websites
Germany116,104 websites
France51,383 websites
GB39,853 websites
Netherlands38,389 websites
Denmark32,462 websites
Poland23,022 websites
Australia20,937 websites
Russia19,756 websites

Place Schema usage by TLD

.com1,447,283 websites
.org134,143 websites
.de97,079 websites
.co.uk90,460 websites
.net68,402 websites
.com.au53,014 websites
.nl45,180 websites
.fr38,219 websites
.ca33,782 websites
.com.br26,941 websites

Websites utilizing Place Schema

Top websites that use Place Schema
DomainCountryRankContacts Netherlands150 United States180 Netherlands218 Netherlands239 Netherlands240 Netherlands241
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Alternative Technologies

CreativeWork Schema: Total 13,749,262 domains found using CreativeWork Schema
Organization Schema: Total 8,074,104 domains found using Organization Schema
Search Schema: Total 7,883,905 domains found using Search Schema
Person Schema: Total 4,434,615 domains found using Person Schema
PostalAddress Schema: Total 2,930,867 domains found using PostalAddress Schema
LocalBusiness Schema: Total 2,855,242 domains found using LocalBusiness Schema
Product Schema: Total 2,283,050 domains found using Product Schema
Offer Schema: Total 2,239,216 domains found using Offer Schema
Rating Schema: Total 1,035,099 domains found using Rating Schema
AggregateRating Schema: Total 765,664 domains found using AggregateRating Schema


Place Schema is Schema.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Place Schema. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Place Schema through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 2,521,205 live websites that currently use Place Schema.
The primary competing technologies to Place Schema are CreativeWork Schema, Organization Schema, Search Schema, and Person Schema.