Plesk Panel

Category - Hosting Panels

Plesk Panel is a server management platform, a dashboard and a control panel. Plesk is integrated with Node.js, Nginx, PHP, Git, Lets Encrypt, and WordPress.

We have discovered  2,037,267 live websites   that are using Plesk.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Plesk2,037,267 websites
Most popular in the country Germany
Market position in Hosting Panels#1
Market share in Hosting Panels84.25%
Most popular version18.0.65

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Plesk usage.
Websites that added Plesk 47,303
Websites that dropped Plesk 61,746
Websites that changed version of Plesk  145,285

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • PleskLin
  • PleskWin
  • Plesk Panel

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 18.xx (48 subversions, 103,384 domains)

Plesk usage by Country

United States343,414 websites

Germany409,194 websites
Netherlands248,211 websites
France154,677 websites
Spain136,725 websites
GB97,263 websites
Japan76,154 websites
Italy76,033 websites
Turkey73,042 websites
Greece33,933 websites

Plesk usage by TLD

.com678,781 websites
.de235,273 websites
.nl205,539 websites
.it70,015 websites
.co.uk63,842 websites
.org62,101 websites
.es58,457 websites
.net55,393 websites
.fr44,151 websites
.gr35,300 websites

Plesk Panel Versions

sorted by popularity
18.0.6544,491 websites
18.0.6428,387 websites
18.0.636,154 websites
18.0.664,247 websites
18.0.624,166 websites
18.0.552,724 websites
18.0.612,286 websites
18.0.491,492 websites
18.0.60944 websites
18.0.44897 websites

See all Plesk Panel versions ...

Websites utilizing Plesk Panel

Top websites that use Plesk
DomainCountryRankContacts Germany266 Germany325 Germany540 United States559 Germany570 Germany576
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

cPanel: Total 300,571 domains found using cPanel
Engintron: Total 42,981 domains found using Engintron
WHMCS: Total 16,138 domains found using WHMCS
WordOps: Total 11,483 domains found using WordOps
EasyEngine: Total 3,480 domains found using EasyEngine
i-MSCP: Total 2,195 domains found using i-MSCP
ISPConfig: Total 856 domains found using ISPConfig
AgiusCloud: Total 748 domains found using AgiusCloud
Pterodactyl Panel: Total 532 domains found using Pterodactyl Panel


Plesk Panel is Hosting Panels.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Plesk Panel. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Plesk Panel through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 2,037,267 live websites that currently use Plesk Panel.
Plesk Panel has 84.25% market share in Hosting Panels.
The primary competing technologies to Plesk Panel are cPanel, Engintron, WHMCS, and WordOps.