
Category - Name Server

We have discovered  16,923 live websites   that are using PremiumDNS.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using PremiumDNS16,923 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Name Server#83
Market share in Name Server<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in PremiumDNS usage.
Websites that added PremiumDNS 1,082
Websites that dropped PremiumDNS 1,178

Available Reports

Technology Information

PremiumDNS usage by Country

United States15,197 websites

Germany299 websites
GB193 websites
France170 websites
Singapore137 websites
Canada131 websites
Australia61 websites
Netherlands47 websites
Israel45 websites

PremiumDNS usage by TLD

.com11,161 websites
.org1,092 websites
.net608 websites
.io396 websites
.co.uk379 websites
.ca325 websites
.co294 websites
.ai159 websites
.us145 websites
.com.au126 websites

Websites utilizing PremiumDNS

Top websites that use PremiumDNS
DomainCountryRankContacts United States3,101 United States5,297 United States6,782 United States9,621 United States12,554 United States14,674
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

GoDaddy DNS: Total 6,089,554 domains found using GoDaddy DNS
Cloudflare DNS: Total 4,416,348 domains found using Cloudflare DNS
Wix DNS: Total 1,856,052 domains found using Wix DNS
OVH DNS: Total 828,848 domains found using OVH DNS
Strato DNS: Total 734,725 domains found using Strato DNS
Amazon Route 53: Total 732,691 domains found using Amazon Route 53
Namecheap DNS: Total 699,096 domains found using Namecheap DNS
Sedo DNS: Total 600,710 domains found using Sedo DNS
Google Cloud DNS: Total 577,510 domains found using Google Cloud DNS DNS: Total 513,695 domains found using DNS


PremiumDNS is Name Server.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including PremiumDNS. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing PremiumDNS through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 16,923 live websites that currently use PremiumDNS.
PremiumDNS has <0.1% market share in Name Server.
The primary competing technologies to PremiumDNS are GoDaddy DNS, Cloudflare DNS, Wix DNS, and OVH DNS.