Pure CSS

Category - UI Frameworks

Pure.CSS is a framework of CSS. It is a collection of small sets of responsive CSS modules which can be used in any web application.

We have discovered  30,264 live websites   that are using Pure CSS.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Pure CSS30,264 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in UI Frameworks#16
Market share in UI Frameworks0.17%
Most popular version1

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Pure CSS usage.
Websites that added Pure CSS 499
Websites that dropped Pure CSS 941
Websites that changed version of Pure CSS  120

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 3.xx (1 subversions, 304 domains)
  • 2.xx (8 subversions, 790 domains)
  • 1.xx (3 subversions, 3,344 domains)
  • 0.xx (7 subversions, 423 domains)

Pure CSS usage by Country

United States12,837 websites

Germany4,362 websites
France1,334 websites
Japan1,277 websites
GB1,080 websites
Russia846 websites
Lithuania800 websites
China651 websites
Netherlands641 websites
Czech Republic470 websites

Pure CSS usage by TLD

.com13,054 websites
.de1,856 websites
.org1,465 websites
.net982 websites
.lt720 websites
.com.au702 websites
.co.uk696 websites
.ru674 websites
.nl667 websites
.fr571 websites

Pure CSS Versions

sorted by popularity
12,927 websites
1.0.1416 websites
3304 websites
0.6.2284 websites
2.0.3264 websites
2.1242 websites
2.0.6195 websites
2.0.582 websites
0.652 websites
0.6.140 websites

See all Pure CSS versions ...

Websites utilizing Pure CSS

Top websites that use Pure CSS
members.diaryland.com United States810
pixabay.com United States916
chris-crockett.com United States1,050
login.yahoo.com United States1,481
letsencrypt.org United States1,636
ieeexplore.ieee.org United States1,832
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Bootstrap: Total 7,504,963 domains found using Bootstrap
jQuery UI: Total 6,361,028 domains found using jQuery UI
Revslider: Total 1,879,576 domains found using Revslider
UIKit: Total 211,204 domains found using UIKit
YUI: Total 201,322 domains found using YUI
ZURB Foundation: Total 182,941 domains found using ZURB Foundation
Tailwind CSS: Total 180,578 domains found using Tailwind CSS
Material Design Lite: Total 125,707 domains found using Material Design Lite
Layui: Total 70,137 domains found using Layui
Telerik DevCraft: Total 53,227 domains found using Telerik DevCraft


Pure CSS is UI Frameworks.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Pure CSS. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Pure CSS through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 30,264 live websites that currently use Pure CSS.
Pure CSS has 0.17% market share in UI Frameworks.
The primary competing technologies to Pure CSS are Bootstrap, jQuery UI, Revslider, and UIKit.