Smile IO

Category - Loyalty and Rewards

Smile IO turns your sales into repeat customers

We have discovered  24,562 live websites   that are using Smile IO.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Smile IO24,562 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Loyalty and Rewards#2
Market share in Loyalty and Rewards19.71%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Smile IO usage.
Websites that added Smile IO 1,240
Websites that dropped Smile IO 2,914

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • Smile

Technology Information

Smile IO usage by Country

United States23,550 websites

GB205 websites
Australia171 websites
France81 websites
Germany60 websites
South Africa53 websites
Singapore52 websites
Canada52 websites
New Zealand51 websites
Israel39 websites

Smile IO usage by TLD

.com18,433 websites
.co.uk1,152 websites
.com.au1,013 websites
.ca705 websites
.co342 websites
.co.nz287 websites
.net217 websites
.shop147 websites
.fr144 websites
.in130 websites

Websites utilizing Smile IO

Top websites that use Smile IO
DomainCountryRankContacts United States5,078 United States29,055 United States38,165 United States38,285 United States38,695 United States39,255
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Yotpo: Total 32,559 domains found using Yotpo
Stamped: Total 21,295 domains found using Stamped
Yotpo Loyalty and Referrals: Total 7,374 domains found using Yotpo Loyalty and Referrals
Growave: Total 4,455 domains found using Growave
LoyaltyLion: Total 4,298 domains found using LoyaltyLion
HigherLogic: Total 3,452 domains found using HigherLogic
Riiwards Loyalty: Total 3,145 domains found using Riiwards Loyalty Total 2,971 domains found using
Flocktory: Total 2,237 domains found using Flocktory
FIDELIZAR: Total 1,950 domains found using FIDELIZAR


Smile IO is Loyalty and Rewards.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Smile IO. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Smile IO through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 24,562 live websites that currently use Smile IO.
Smile IO has 19.71% market share in Loyalty and Rewards.
The primary competing technologies to Smile IO are Yotpo, Stamped, Yotpo Loyalty and Referrals, and Growave.