
Category - Video Players

Wistia is a video marketing software that makes it easy to find, engage, and grow your audience

We have discovered  54,901 live websites   that are using Wistia.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Wistia54,901 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Video Players#8
Market share in Video Players0.51%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Wistia usage.
Websites that added Wistia 4,321
Websites that dropped Wistia 4,321

Available Reports

Technology Information

Wistia usage by Country

United States46,283 websites

Australia1,485 websites
Germany1,326 websites
GB969 websites
Singapore590 websites
France511 websites
Canada414 websites
Netherlands379 websites
Sweden197 websites

Wistia usage by TLD

.com40,581 websites
.org2,238 websites
.com.au1,336 websites
.co.uk1,114 websites
.net1,071 websites
.de838 websites
.ca603 websites
.co507 websites
.io463 websites
.nl267 websites

Websites utilizing Wistia

Top websites that use Wistia
shopify.com United States185
iubenda.com United States512
cdn.attracta.com United States587
woocommerce.com United States698
calendly.com United States700
moz.com United States1,286
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

YouTube: Total 6,511,093 domains found using YouTube
MediaElement.js: Total 1,993,039 domains found using MediaElement.js
Vimeo: Total 1,147,855 domains found using Vimeo
jPlayer: Total 308,261 domains found using jPlayer
VideoJS: Total 158,933 domains found using VideoJS
jquery.mb.YTPlayer: Total 73,999 domains found using jquery.mb.YTPlayer
JW Player: Total 65,177 domains found using JW Player
Plyr: Total 53,980 domains found using Plyr
Flowplayer: Total 47,888 domains found using Flowplayer
@vimeo/player: Total 41,778 domains found using @vimeo/player


Wistia is Video Players.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Wistia. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Wistia through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 54,901 live websites that currently use Wistia.
Wistia has 0.51% market share in Video Players.
The primary competing technologies to Wistia are YouTube, MediaElement.js, Vimeo, and jPlayer.